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Tim Yarrow Record of 10 Days Underwater Gets Examined On 'Outrageous Acts of Science'

Almost all of you have ever noticed that how crinkly your hands and feet get after just few minutes in the bathtub. Now you just visualize that how would they appear after 10 days underwater.

Tim Yarrow does not require imagining because he has experienced it in November 2002 when he was snowed under a small pool situated in South Africa. He set a globe record for more time spent underwater. Tim Yarrow was submarine for approximately 240 hours beating out the earlier record of 212 hours and 30 minutes set by Michael Stephen of Britain in 1986.
Tim Yarrow was 30 year old when he submarine for 10 days. During his underwater stay, he faced numerous challenges and difficulties including nothing less than breathing and excreting. He faced a food issue by eating a low diet through the tube.
The amazing change to Tim Yarrow body was that how his hand and feet looked like wrinkled sausages. Ellie Harrison, a well known British ecologist said that, the main reason that people get wrinkly feet and hand is because the upper surface of our skin contains dead keratin cells that absorb water much faster as compare to other cells of the body. These dead cells are attached with live keratin cells that end up having to crinkle.
Tim Yarrow has also won an informal respect as one of the utmost human of all the time by ‘’Outrageous Acts of Science.’’ 

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